Vestry Candidate Qualifications


Vestry Qualifications
Parish Canons:
4-2 Organization. The Vestry shall consist of ten members, including the Rector, who shall preside at all meetings of the Vestry, and shall be the presiding officer thereof. The Vestry members shall be communicants whose names are duly enrolled in the register of the Parish and who are regular in their attendance at services, and make stated contributions of record to its support, and they shall not be under suspension as communicants, however, no suspended communicant shall be disqualified, either as Vestry member or as an Elector, until the Bishop has passed upon such an appeal and sustained the suspension. All Vestry members, except the Rector, shall be lay persons and qualified Electors of the Parish.
3.4 Voting.  Election of the Vestry shall be by ballot and shall otherwise be in accordance with applicable provisions of the Constitution and Canons of the Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Northern California. All communicants of the Church, eighteen (18) years of age or over, who have been enrolled on the Parish Register for six months immediately preceding any meeting of members, have communicated in the Episcopal Church in the United States of America at least three (3) times during the year preceding, have communicated in the Parish at least once during the year preceding, and who are and have been stated contributors, in their own names, to the support of the Parish for not less than six months next preceding, shall be entitled to vote at meetings of members of the Parish , as Electors. Voting by proxy shall not be allowed.
Key Duties
-          Manages the Church and assists rector in carrying out programs
-          Oversees Stewardship: 
o   Raising money
o   Making a budget
o   Approving expenditures of money
o   Overseeing the good stewardship of buildings and grounds
o   Insuring bills and salaries are paid
-          Key servant leader, ensuring the mission, vision, and goals are carried out
-          Liaison to congregation
Key Qualities
-          Faithful, baptized member.
-          Cares deeply about the well being of Trinity Church
-          Willing to share gifts and skills for the health of the whole congregation
-          Has healthy communications skills
-          Regularly attends on Sunday mornings and interacts with rest of community.
-          Generously contributes time, talent, and treasure
-          Regular attendance at monthly vestry meetings and yearly overnight retreat.
This year we are especially looking for people who are servant leaders and who are willing and ready to do the spiritual work of forgiveness, reconciliation, and repentance. This is especially important if we are to work together as a team.


Each Candidate needs to write a short paragraph for the January newsletter and website with the following information:

1-How many years have you been at Trinity
2-Why do you want to serve on Vestry
3-What gifts do you feel you bring to Vestry & Trinity